Email Sending Limitations

Sending Email

Yes, in an effort to limit abuse, shared web hosting accounts are throttled to limit a maximum number of emails per hour as follows:

  • Newcomer: 100
  • PrimeTime: 250
  • Business: 500


We do not recommend using the Mailing List tool (Mailman) in cPanel because that tool cannot throttle.  Accounts are throttled to limit a maximum number of emails per hour as follows:

  • Newcomer: 100
  • PrimeTime: 250
  • Business: 500

To send more than the max limit, you must use a mailing program which can throttle emails. We recommend phpList which can be found in Installatron within cPanel.

There is also a limit to the number of Mailman mailing lists permitted as follows:

Note: This does not apply to other mailing list programs such as phpList. This only applies to Mailman.
  • Newcomer: 10 Mailman mailing lists
  • PrimeTime: 15 Mailman mailing lists
  • Business: 25 Mailman mailing lists

The Mailing List tool can be found in the Mail section of cPanel.  To use the tool, click the Mailing List icon and follow the setup instructions (as the default program is Mailman).

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