A web hosting account is required to create email addresses. You can create email accounts in two ways:
- Click on "Account Login" at the top of the Psyphire web site and sign in to your account with the sign up email address and password that you used when first creating your account.
- Click on the blue "services" box at the center of your dashboard
- Click on the web hosting account for the domain you wish to create an email account for
- Scroll down to "Quick Create Email Account," enter the desired email address and password, and click "create"
- Click on "cPanel" at the top of the Psyphire web site and sign in to your account using the username and password Psyphire emailed to you once you created your hosting account.
- In the Email section, click on "Email Accounts."
- Enter the desired email address and password and click on "Create Account."
Access your email through a web browser via webmail in a couple of ways:
- Click on "Webmail" at the top of the Psyphire website.
- Access is also available at the following links:
- Unsecure - http://webmail.yourdomain.com
- Secure - https://yourdomain/webmail or http://yourdomain/webmail or https://psyphire.com/webmail
You will need your username and password to access your email.
Email Client On Your Desktop Computer / Laptop
Follow these instructions to retrieve your email on your desktop computer / laptop.
Follow these instructions to retrieve your email on your desktop computer / laptop.
- Click on "cPanel" at the top of the Psyphire web site and sign in to your account using the username and password Psyphire emailed to you once you created your hosting account.
- In the Email section, click on "Email Accounts."
- Once you have created your email account, scroll down to "Email Accounts," and click on "Set Up Mail Client" next to the email address you wish to access.
- Follow the instructions for the email configuration scenario that suits your needs.
- Optionally, you can email these instructions to another email account using the form at the bottom fo the page.